Guide: Setting up a Tailscale VPN on Kubernetes

Deploy Tailscale to Kubernetes via Helm or Porter to securely access k8s services by cluster IP.

Justin Rhee
June 29, 2021
4 min read

What is Tailscale

Tailscale is a VPN that creates a secure network between your servers, computers, and cloud instances. Unlike many other VPNs, setting up a new network on Tailscale requires minimal user configuration and virtually no experience with networking. To learn more about how Tailscale works under the hood, you can check out this excellent overview on their official blog.

Using a VPN with Kubernetes

There are many cases where we want to connect to a service running on a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster from a local machine without publicly exposing the service to external traffic. We may, for instance, want to securely connect from our browser to an internal monitoring or analytics dashboard (e.g., Metabase, Grafana, or the native k8s dashboard). Another use case is if we want to reach certain development or staging services on the cluster without opening them up to public access (either from the browser or the CLI).

There are a few basic options at our disposal for achieving this:

  • Port forwarding (via kubectl port-forward)
  • Using the native k8s apiserver proxy
  • Proxying through a node/pod on the cluster
  • Setting up a VPN
A breakdown of the Kubernetes-native options for connecting to a service

Naturally, each of these options has its own set of tradeoffs, but a full breakdown of all the pros and cons deserves a dedicated article. In general though, setting up a VPN is an attractive option if any of the following are true:

  • Not all users connecting to or viewing the services will have kubectl access
  • Users will be regularly connecting to multiple services (from either the browser or the CLI)
  • Access controls can (or need to) be configured outside of Kubernetes RBAC (e.g., for non-technical team members or constituents)

If using a VPN with Kubernetes seems appropriate for your use case, there's just one remaining thing to decide...

Subnet Router vs. Sidecar

Typically, for each device we connect to our Tailscale VPN, we have to download a client and register each machine with the VPN's coordination server.

For applications running on a Kubernetes cluster, we can naively replicate this setup by adding a Tailscale sidecar container to each pod we want to reach over the VPN.

Option #1: Deploy Tailscale as a sidecar container for each pod we want to connect to the VPN. Note: the Tailscale coordination server is centralized but the network architecture is mesh.

Note, however, that this method requires all pods to maintain their own instance of the Tailscale client, and any existing workloads will require config changes in order to be added to the VPN.

For the purposes of this guide, we will use a different method that introduces significantly less overhead: deploying Tailscale as a subnet router (formerly referred to as a "relay node").

As the name suggests, a subnet router advertises an entire subnet to the Tailscale VPN, allowing a connected user to access any internal cluster IP within a specified range (or set of ranges).

Option #2: Deploy Tailscale as a subnet router that advertises the cluster subnet to the VPN

A major benefit of deploying Tailscale as a subnet router is that we don't need to make configuration changes to existing or future services in order to connect them to Tailscale. Any service with an internal cluster IP in the declared range can automatically be reached through the VPN.

Of course, subnet routing may not be appropriate for all use cases. For instance, we may want additional safeguards to ensure that certain cluster IPs aren't reachable through the VPN even if the Tailscale client is configured to only expose a certain set of IP ranges. For a more in-depth exploration of using subnet routers with Tailscale and the resulting tradeoffs, you should refer to the official docs.

Method #1: Helm CLI

Now that we've covered the basics, let's actually deploy Tailscale to a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm CLI. For instructions on deploying Tailscale through Porter, see Method #2 below. Here's a quick rundown of the prerequisites:

  • Tailscale is installed on your local device (official downloads page)
  • You have both kubectl and helm locally installed
  • You are connected to a Kubernetes cluster with at least one service

(1) First, we'll need to generate an auth key from the Tailscale admin panel. Under Settings ->Auth Keys we should see a Generate one-off key option:

Note: Auth keys will expire after 90 days by default. To disable key expiry, consult the Tailscale docs.

Make sure to save the displayed key (e.g., tskey-...) as we'll be needing it shortly.

(2) Next, we need to figure out what subnet IP range to expose for our k8s cluster. Unfortunately, native support for directly retrieving the service range CIDR is basically nonexistent (here's an open GitHub issue on the subject at the time of writing this). For users on Kubernetes 1.18+, we can use the following workaround:

SVCRANGE=$(echo '{"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Service","metadata":{"name":"tst"},"spec":{"clusterIP":"","ports":[{"port":443}]}}' | kubectl apply -f - 2>&1 | sed 's/.*valid IPs is //') echo $SVCRANGE

This command attempts to create an invalid service and parses the error to retrieve the service range CIDR.

Otherwise, we can retrieve a list of services using kubectl get service:

NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE ... redis ClusterIP 10.47.xxx.xx 6379/TCP 52d postgres ClusterIP 10.47.xxx.xxx 5432/TCP 17d web-test ClusterIP 10.47.xxx.xx 80:32525/TCP 8d

The first two IP address blocks of the listed cluster IPs should be the same (10.47 in the above example). We can use these first two shared IP address blocks followed by .0.0/16 as the subnet range ( for the example shown).

(3) Now that we have our auth key and subnet range, we are ready to deploy Tailscale to the cluster as a Helm chart. There is currently no officially supported Helm chart for Tailscale, but we can use mvisonneau's community chart to deploy the subnet router.

First, we need to add the Helm repo:

helm repo add mvisonneau https://charts.visonneau.fr

And then we can install the chart using our auth key and subnet range:

helm install \ tailscale-subnet-router \ mvisonneau/tailscale-relay \ --set config.authKey= \ --set config.variables.TAILSCALE_ADVERTISE_ROUTES=

After deploying, we should see the following output from the Helm CLI:

NAME: tailscale-subnet-router LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jun 29 18:10:28 2021 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None

(4) For the final step, we just need to approve our newly advertised subnet routes from the Tailscale admin panel. Under the Machines tab you should see your newly registered subnet router and a grayed out subnet range. From the machine settings navigate to Review route settings:

And then simply approve the displayed subnet routes:

That's it! Our subnet router is now deployed to the cluster and connected to the Tailscale VPN.

Method #2: Deploy from Porter

Of course, we can also deploy Tailscale to our cluster directly from the Porter dashboard:

The Porter Tailscale applet automatically retrieves a list of cluster services and their IPs

The dashboard will first prompt us to input our Tailscale auth key and subnet range (see steps (1) and (2) above):

Afterwards, we just need to approve our subnet routes from the Tailscale dashboard (see step (4) above) and we're all set!

Testing the Subnet Router

To verify that everything is working as expected, we'll connect to an internal Redis instance running on the cluster from our local machine.

First, ensure that Tailscale is running on your local device and that you are connected to the VPN. To retrieve the list of services, we'll run kubectl get service again:


As we can see, the internal cluster IP of the Redis instance is To verify that the VPN is working, we can connect to this Redis instance by IP using the Redis CLI:

$ redis-cli -h -p 6379> ping PONG

Success! We've set up a Tailscale subnet router on our Kubernetes cluster.

Porter is an open source PaaS that helps teams automate DevOps in their own cloud.

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