Announcing the Heroku Migration Program

For teams that have outgrown Heroku, Porter is the easiest way to migrate your applications to your own AWS or GCP account without losing the Heroku-like convenience. Today, we are announcing a fast, risk-free, and white-glove way for companies to migrate from Heroku.

Trevor Shim
April 14, 2022
3 min read

Porter is a Platform as a Service that automates DevOps in the user's own cloud. For teams that have outgrown Heroku, Porter is the easiest way to migrate your applications to your own AWS or GCP account without losing the Heroku-like convenience.

6 months ago, we rolled out a limited-time migration program for select companies that are hosting on Heroku. Our migration program allowed companies to move their applications from Heroku to AWS or GCP in a risk-free, white-glove way that requires minimal bandwidth from their engineering team.

Teams who sign up for the package would go through 3 easy steps:

  1. Book a free consultation call with one of our migration experts.
  2. Porter team sets up a clone instance of all applications running on Heroku in a white-glove way.
  3. Decide whether they'd like to move forward with the migration, only after sufficiently testing out the clone instance.

We created the migration program after hearing from many companies on Heroku that they fully intend to migrate to their own cloud provider at some point, but have trouble finding the bandwidth to do so. We've found that it sometimes takes years for these companies to fully migrate from Heroku, and many end up getting locked into Heroku's ecosystem to the point of no return.

Our intent with the migration program is to offer these companies a way to move to AWS or GCP with zero effort and risk - Porter supports all applications types that are supported on Heroku, a wide range of addons, preview environments, and even Heroku buildpacks to make the transition from Heroku to Porter as seamless as possible. Moreover, all the migration work is handled entirely by the Porter team, and we further de-risk the migration by giving the user a window to opt out of the migration after testing out the clone instance we have set up on Porter. On average, our migration process takes a week and is sometimes done in a few hours, which often leads to our clients' disbelief:

Since launching this package, we have migrated over 100 applications from Heroku to Porter, some of which include Heroku's largest customers as well as long time Heroku users who have been on Heroku for more than 10 years (!!). Our migration package has also been named one of the most used hosting deals within Y Combinator and continues to get a lot of interest from companies that are rapidly outgrowing Heroku.

Users who have gone through the migration program tell us that Porter is not only just as easy to use as Heroku, but also more scalable and flexible because it runs on Kubernetes under the hood. Many of them were also able to save thousands of dollars every month from migrating off Heroku.

Here's some of what they have to say about the migration experience:

Today, we are excited to announce that the migration program will now be available indefinitely for all Heroku users. We've had an amazing response from companies who have gone through this program and are eager to provide the same experience to many more companies who have outgrown Heroku.

If you are currently hosting on Heroku and are interested in migrating to AWS or GCP, please reach out to us at

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