Cost Explorer Tab (Beta), Aurora Fast Database Cloning, and Improved Docker Build Times
This cycle, we're introducing the Cost Explorer Tab (in beta), AWS Aurora Fast Database Cloning, improved build times for dockerfiles, and highlighting the addition of a new GPU instance type available for Porter users.
Cost Explorer Tab (Beta)
Using the Cost Explorer sidebar tab, users can now visualize their AWS compute costs by cluster, app, and service for Porter-managed workloads.
This feature is in beta and requires the enablement of specific cost allocation tags on AWS - please reach out to our support team if you'd like to try it out!
Aurora Fast Cloning
Porter-managed datastores now support AWS Aurora Fast Database Cloning, so users can quickly and cost-effectively create copy-on-write clones of their Aurora databases.
Improved Docker Build Times
We’ve added functionality for caching every stage of users' Docker builds, resulting in up to a >25x improvement in build times for builds using dockerfiles.
Please let us know if you’re using dockerfiles and would like this enabled or have any questions about converting from buildpacks to dockerfiles!
Cheapest AWS GPU
While Porter already supports most instance types available on AWS/GCP/Azure, a noteworthy recent addition is the g5g.xlarge instance type - the least expensive GPU instance available on AWS! This instance type is only supported in select AWS regions, however.
If an instance type you’d like to use on AWS/GCP/Azure is currently unavailable for use via Porter, please let us know and we’ll add it.